Top 10 Marvel Vs DC

Top 10 Marvel Characters & Who Can Replace Them From DC Universe

If you are a comic book fan, then I am sure you will be familiar with the names of Comic Stalwarts Marvel and DC. If not, don’t worry, I hope you are a movie buff and understand the world of Avengers and Justice League and that will do. Marvel and DC have over the years …

Top 10 Ways To Keep Your Home Organised And Clutter-Free

Finding it hard to focus in a messy house? A house full of clutter is a cause of stress and leaves you quite disturbed. Having too much mess around you can leave you all tired and fussy. This is why decluttering and organising is a great idea. Decluttering is a great way to de-stress yourself. …

top 10 beautiful hill stations in asia

Top 10 Beautiful Hill Stations In Asia

Hill stations are a favourite among travellers who look forward to some soul-searching and wander-lusting. The natural surrounding with majestic landscapes facilitates an astounding transformation, both physically and mentally, that no hustling city can offer. A diverse continent like Asia ensures every traveller has a holistic experience with its naturistic abundance. The high-altitude towns situated …

top ten games for kids less than five

Top 10 Indoor Games You Can Play With Kids Less Than Five During Lockdown

With lockdown being the norm thanks to COVID_19, it is a tough time to stay indoors for anyone, all the more so for kids less than 5 years of age. They are not allowed to go out and play with their friends. This naturally irritates them as they are unable to go out as they …

Top Ten Best Moments of Sachin

Top Ten Moments Of Sachin Tendulkar That’ll Always Be Etched In Memory

A million hearts beating to the same tune S-A-C-H-I-N…S-A-C-H-I-N in repeated mode, a billion prayers across faiths, shouts & screams, tears of joy, name it, you got it all….in 24 years, a nation’s dream & hope – Sachin Tendulkar is not just a name, he is an emotion! To pen down just a few lines …

top 10 fantasy all time favourite books by non indian authors

Top 10 Fantasy All Time Favourite Books By Non-Indian Authors

The written word has served as a form of escape from reality ever since the first story was penned. Fantasy fiction takes this a step further and introduces you to a plot that is not plausible in the real world. It includes different elements of fantasy like witchcraft, magic, different and alternative realities based on …