Top 10 Ways To Keep Your Home Organised And Clutter-Free

Finding it hard to focus in a messy house? A house full of clutter is a cause of stress and leaves you quite disturbed. Having too much mess around you can leave you all tired and fussy. This is why decluttering and organising is a great idea.

Decluttering is a great way to de-stress yourself. You subconsciously organise the weird and messed up thoughts in your mind along with organising the house. It’s also the perfect chance to think out of the box and innovate creative methods to arrange your belongings elegantly. So why not read on to get an idea of the Top 10 Ways To Keep Your Home Clean And Organised? Please note that this can be applied to any house, irrespective of size.

Explore Clever Ways To Organise Your Home

It may sound simple enough, but keeping your home clutter-free is often not an easy task. It’s a continuous process that requires a lot of hard work and commitment. Given below are a few methods that we at Top 10s Only have found for keeping clutter-free houses. Enjoy the decluttering project!

1. Make A Plan For The Decluttering Process

Write down well thought plan to organise the house to your liking
Top 10 Ways To Keep Your Home Organised And Clutter-Free

Here’s our first tip from our list of top ten ways to keep your house organised. Always have a plan in place before undertaking any home improvement project. Get an idea of how the final look should be and plan each room accordingly. Search your options online, refer interior design magazines, talk to friends and relatives and do your research well. Give yourself a schedule to follow as per your availability. Write down innovative ideas that you would like to introduce in each room. This is ideally one of the best ways to organise your home. Do not make it a stressful event or a herculean task that you plan to complete in a single day. Take your time, relax in between and complete the task happily. You can take a week, two weeks, a few weekends put together, etc. The time is yours and you are free to utilise it as you wish. Do not hurry. Stick to your plan and progress steadily.

2. Decide To Keep Or Not

Decide what to keep and what to throw out .This helps to declutter.
Top 10 Ways To Keep Your Home Organised And Clutter-Free

This is the next step to organise cluttered homes. There are many good ways to keep your room clean and organised. The questions you have to ask yourself before starting the process would go like this:

  • Do I need these things?
  • How frequently do I use these?
  • Do they add any value to the appearance of the room?
  • Is there a way to recycle them or reuse them effectively?
  • Are they good enough to give to charity?

The answer to these questions will enable you to sort out the items in your home. The best way to declutter your home is to get rid of items that are no longer needed.

3. Do Not Keep A Junk Drawer

Top 10 Ways To Keep Your Home Organised And Clutter-Free

If you’re wondering how to organise your home this year, we suggest getting rid of your junk drawers first. A clean house doesn’t need a junk drawer. This leads to piling up of all sorts of things that are going to leave you frustrated. There should be a specific space for every item in your house. This is a very important tip while decluttering. When you don’t have a particular place for things, then you will start seeing and placing objects anywhere and everywhere.

Believe me, this is the easiest way to get a messy room and also the worst part of organizing the house neatly. It’s just one time, the first time, that you have to sit and think about what goes where. Then, arrange them according to that plan and stick to it. Make sure your family members are also doing the same. 

4. Reorganise The Shelves And Drawers

Top 10 Ways To Keep Your Home Organised And Clutter-Free

Set aside a drawer to store all your stationery items, like school supplies, extra pens, handy glue sticks, cello tapes, pairs of scissors and all those tiny items that are never found when actually in need. Such organised home tips are essential to keeping the rooms neat. Assign a drawer or space in a shelf for toys, books, bathroom utilities, personal hygiene things, extra bedroom linen and also a particular space for things you would need when a guest arrives at home. Having a bed with storage drawers helps you to a large extent to save space. Proper space usage is the key to fitting everything neatly and conveniently in the available room area. This will ensure clutter-free rooms.

 5. Convert Your Wardrobe Into Neatly Packed Spaces Of Convenience

Arrange your wadrobe according to your convenience, sort out every object neatly.
Top 10 Ways To Keep Your Home Organised And Clutter-Free

When you think about it, you will realise how many clothes that we never wear are forever present in our wardrobes. They lay around as we are always planning to wear them one day. Unfortunately, that “one day” never comes and we pile up a great many of those clothes over and over again. While some will have sentimental value attached, there will be others that are not necessary at all.

So, the first step to getting the clothes organised at home is to go through every item carefully and sort them into piles of “Necessary” and “Not Necessary”. Remove the not necessary category immediately. Keeping them another day will lead to second thoughts, and you may end up storing them again. Donate them to the charity box if they are in good condition. Otherwise, make plans to discard them effectively. Assign separate spaces for items according to their purpose. Such tips on how to keep your home clean and organised will ensure your living space remains decluttered. 

6. Categorise Your Clothes

Arrange your clothes according to their purpose and use.
Top 10 Ways To Keep Your Home Organised And Clutter-Free

The next step is to categorise your clothes. We all have a T-shirt or a pair of pyjamas that fall into our comfort list. No matter how worn out they look, it is just heavenly to slip into these and take a break from all that hectic life around you. So first, segregate your casual home wear or comfort clothes. Then, keep aside your work clothes, party dresses, not-so-formal clothes that you may wear for a quick trip to the store, etc.

The point of categorising them is that even when you are in a hurry, you do not need to search the whole wardrobe for the pair of clothes in mind. If possible, get yourself some storage boxes or even zipped fabric boxes meant for cloth storage. Divide and store all these categories into the boxes. Here, you can use some creativity and even make use of the cartons or cardboard boxes at home. Use your free time to paint or decorate such boxes, and Voila, you have masterpieces that make the wardrobe stunningly stylish. And it is a good way to keep your room clean and organised too. So, use such best tips to organise your home right now!

7. Organise The Kitchen Shelves

Kitchen shelves neatly arranged and categorised
Top 10 Ways To Keep Your Home Organised And Clutter-Free

A happy and warm kitchen is the heart of a family. Your stress levels increase on seeing a messy kitchen especially if you are the person in charge of cooking and feeding the family. Let us see some very practical tips that make life easier. Like all other rooms, clear of clutter first. Then, take into account the daily use vessels, once in a while used pots and party purpose utensils. Segregate them and keep the daily-use ones in a handy space. You can always redesign your kitchen to incorporate more shelves and wire racks.

Keep your cutlery in a rack and plates and glasses in separate racks. Now, arrange your cooking ingredients, spices, cereals, sauces, pickles, and baking requirements as per their usage. The next step is to place the various categories into separate spaces as per your convenience. Finish off by placing a decorative item on the tabletop and you’re on your way to giving your kitchen an elegant look. You can share such tips on how to keep your home clean and organised with friends and family to help them declutter their homes too.

8. Maintain A Routine To Keep The Fridge Clean

A neatly organised fridge ,fresh and clean
Top 10 Ways To Keep Your Home Organised And Clutter-Free

The fridge has a very important place in the top ten house cleaning tips. Once your fridge becomes messy, then it is a lot of work to find what you have placed within. Also, the chances of vegetables and cooked food remaining unnoticed are high if you have an overcrowded fridge. Here’s another essential tip on how to keep your home clutter-free. First, empty your fridge. Again, decide what you need to place inside and what you have to throw out. Check the expiry dates of all labels. 

Wipe the racks clean and add a bit of vinegar if there is a stale odour. Now arrange your vegetables and fruits in the allotted place, if possible, in breathable covers. Place your juices and dairy products on the sidewall. Keep a rack free for any extra cooking you are planning to do. Have boxes for meat, eggs and cooked food. Try to maintain the interior by regularly checking.

9. Keep Your Washrooms In Order

Hygienic washroom ,sanitised and organised.
Top 10 Ways To Keep Your Home Organised And Clutter-Free

It’s essential to declutter every room in your home, including the bathrooms. Washrooms are to be organised along with the rest of your house. This area should be cleaned spotlessly regularly.  Install hanging closet organisers or fix up a set of drawers to keep the place tidy. Do not overload your washroom sink with all the beauty and bath cosmetics. You can always find bathroom closets which fit your space perfectly online. Set aside a space for keeping personal items like toothbrushes, combs, shaving equipment etc. Arrange commonly used products like toothpaste, shampoos, and extra soap on a shelf that is conveniently placed. 

If you have a spacious bathroom, you can also convert a corner into a pleasing sight by keeping a decorative plant or some happy face stickers. Store extra towels, napkins, tissue rolls, shower curtains etc in a drawer that will be away from direct water. Keep a separate space for a mop, toilet cleaning solutions, toilet brushes etc. All the above are very helpful organized home ideas which, when implemented, give amazing results.

10. Check The Service Areas And Terrace Area To Make Sure There Are No Dumping Hotspots

A neat ,clutter-free balcony /terrace to relax after a long day
Top 10 Ways To Keep Your Home Organised And Clutter-Free

Make sure that your service balconies and the terraces do not turn into dumping hotspots. Install shelves for storing cleaning utensils and cleaning solutions. Keep them away from your children or pets.

Include your family in the process and teach them how to keep your home organised and clean. Set aside a box for each family member where he/she can track their things, instead of simply dumping them on a tabletop. These boxes can be arranged neatly in the designated place and should be cleared by the respective owner daily. Convert your balcony or terrace area into a green zone by setting up a small garden according to the space available. Keeping an aromatic plant is one of the best ways to keep your house smelling great.

After a hard day’s work, you will feel blessed to come, rest and have some coffee in a neat space close to nature. 

Avoid Organising Mistakes Making Your House Look Cluttered With These Handy Tips

Now that you have gone through the clutter-free home tips & ideas, it is clear that space organising is an important skill. Luckily, we have many reference videos and tips online that help us get the work done. A helpful tip is to keep a discard bag in one of your closets and empty it regularly. Something else that would help maintain the house is to make a routine for daily, weekly and monthly cleaning. Alongside, de-clutter your mental space and rediscover inner peace. Watch your life take a positive turn in a clean and vibrant house. Drop us an email at [email protected] to let us know your decluttering experience.

Frequently Asked Questions About How To Keep Homes Organised And Clutter-Free

1. How do you keep a home clutter-free?

You can keep your home clutter-free through routine checks on essential and non-essential items. All it takes is to plan how and what to store, track essential and non-essential items, and take appropriate actions to recycle non-essential things periodically, to keep your home organised.

2. How can I perfectly organise my home?

The best ways to organise your home are to make a decluttering plan, categorise essential and non-essential things, organise your kitchen shelves, and stack things properly in the wardrobe. Look for better storage that occupies less space, and periodically recycle old items rather than piling them up. This way, you can keep your little space clean and tidy. 

3. How do you de-clutter a messy bedroom?

Are you looking for a way to declutter your messy bedroom? The steps are to sort the things used in bedrooms, get a bed with a storage drawer that saves space, and store the less frequently used extra bedroom essentials like linens, spreads, and sheets in the storage drawer. Following these steps will help you keep clutter-free houses.

4. What is the fastest way to organise a cluttered house?

The fastest way to organise a cluttered house is to identify and categorise essential and non-essential items. Check less frequently used items and make separate spaces to store them neatly, according to their purpose. Discard the non-essential items by donating them to charity or recycling them. Follow these tips to keep your home clean and organized.

5. How do I start organising my room?

To start organising your room, the initial step is to separate the things based on purpose. Assign dedicated space for every item by storing them in space-conserving storage. Less frequently used things need to be packed and stored appropriately. Keep separate segments for things in the drawer based on their utility and purpose. Follow these clever ways to organise your room to make your little space more convenient and clean.


  1. Well written article with useful tips.

  2. LakshmiPriya Jayaprakash

    Thanks for sharing! Planning to execute them soon

  3. Very useful blog!! Well written

  4. Very good and systematic approach to keep home organised.

  5. Very nice tips and very well written.. will definitively try these tips

  6. Radhika Gopakumar

    Very usefull ,well written blog. Congrats.

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