top 10 most inspiring quotes of netaji subhas chandra bose social media

Top 10 Best Inspirational Quotes Of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose

Subhas Chandra Bose, fondly known as Netaji, was a revolutionary leader in India’s fight for independence. Leading the Indian National Army, he left an indelible mark with powerful words that continue to inspire. Initially formed in 1942 under Mohan Singh, the INA faced challenges and eventually dissolved. When it was taken over by Subhas Chandra …

Top 10 Short & Meaningful Quotes & Sayings on Kindness

Top 10 Short And Meaningful Quotes And Sayings on Kindness For Instagram, Facebook And Whatsapp Status

Being kind goes a long way. Have you been kind today? In tough times, it feels like the entire world is crashing around us. However, even in our most darkest of hours, we sometimes find a ray of sunshine, often being redirected our way by someone who has decided to be kind. It’s easy to …

Independence Day Wishes on Indian Flag

Happy Independence Day India – As It Happened In 1947

Every proud Indian knows how India became an independent nation at the stroke of midnight on August 15th, 1947.  Each year, one gets to revisit the heroic story of how the entire nation persevered to throw out the reins of the British Empire once and for all. This year, the Top 10s Only team is …

wednesday wisdom inspiring women quotes

Wednesday Wisdom – Inspiring Women Quotes For Her

Women are truly remarkable beings, embodying strength, grace, and resilience. They are capable of achieving great things in the face of adversity, and the quote “Women are like angels, when someone breaks our wings we continue to fly around on our broomsticks because we’re flexible like that” is a funny but insightful quote that captures …

happy women's day!

Celebrating Our Everyday Heroes On International Women’s Day

As we gear up to celebrate Women’s Day on March 8th, let’s take a moment to appreciate the incredible everyday heroes who have tirelessly and selflessly played multiple roles in our lives- Women! Mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, friends, colleagues, teachers, authors, innovators, doctors, entrepreneurs, and leaders. For generations, women have donned many hats with absolute …

top 10 best quotes on human rights

Top 10 Best Quotes On Human Rights

We all have the right to live our lives the way we choose. We are entitled to the freedom to express ourselves, practice our faiths and beliefs, and pursue our passions without fear of persecution or discrimination.  Human Rights are the basic rights and freedoms that all people, regardless of their ethnicity, color, gender, religion, …

Top 10 Quotes of APJ Abdul Kalam

Top 10 Best Inspirational APJ Abdul Kalam Quotes & Images For Instagram, Facebook & Whatsapp Status

John Quincy Adams said, ‘ If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.’ This quote holds true for the exemplary leader Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, famously known as APJ Abdul Kalam. His life was a living example of his four rules for success: …

Top 10 Quotes And Sayings On Gratitude

Top 10 Quotes And Sayings On Gratitude

One of the first lessons we are taught during childhood is to say “Thank You” when someone does something good or useful for us. As we grow older, we often end up mindlessly uttering these words without truly attaching any meaning or emotion to them. This meaningless gesture is often mistaken for gratitude. However, true …