top 10 interesting facts about rajendra cholan

Top 10 Interesting Facts About King Rajendra Cholan I (1014 CE – 1044 CE)

The Chola dynasty was a glorious era in the history of ancient India, marked by exceptional rulers, cultural opulence, and majestic architecture. King Rajendra Cholan I, a remarkable figure in this dynasty, left an indelible mark on history. Rajendra Cholan I, who was born in 1014 CE, emerged as one of the most successful and …

top 10 interesting facts about king uttama cholan

Top 10 Interesting Facts About King Uttama Cholan (980 CE – 985 CE)

Uttama Cholan’s journey to the Chola throne was a tortuous road towards his ultimate destiny that tested his unwavering determination. However, Uttama Cholan’s unrelenting perseverance and persistence ultimately allowed him to claim his rightful place as a notable ruler from 980 CE to 985 CE in the region that is now known as Tamil Nadu, …